Internal Complaints Committee

In pursuance of the Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 and in accordance with Section 4 AICTE (Gender Sensitization, Prevention, and Prohibition of harassment of Women Employees and Students and Redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutions) Regulations 2016 vide No. F.AICTE/WH/2016/01 dated 10.06.2016 the Internal Complaints Committee is in place as under to deal with the complaints relating to sexual harassment at the workplace.


1. Dr. Piyali Roychowdhury                    - Presiding Officer

2. Dr. Chandra Mukherjee                      - Convener

3. Dr. Swapna Ghosh                             - Member

4. Prof. Sujit Dhar                                   - Member

5. Prof. Biswarup Mukherjee                  - Member

6. Ms. Kuheli Ghoshal                            - Member

7. Ms. Beauty Saha                                - Student Member

8. Ms. Garbita Mitra                                - Student Member

9. Ms. Sujata Baidya                               -External Member, NGO